What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?I like the way it groups together the web sites I find interesting and updates my reader automatically so I don't need to keep searching through those sites for new posts. It updates my reader and I am therefore able to read the new posts at my own leisure.
What other sites did you select for your RSS reader?- Biblia
How do you think you might be able to use this technology?So I can easily follow my favourite blogs and news sites
How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?to direct people to our web site and also to include other interesting library services web sites or blogs on our web site so people can easily find them.
Did you find any good examples of other library blogs?yes - The Grove and Vic Park Library Blogs
I like Kathryn Greenhill's blog - she knows how to do it! Thanks for that link, it's a good one.
ReplyDeleteI liked the heading 'common sense Librarian' - cuts out heaps of gobbledigoop and gets to the basics!