Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 4 RSS Feeds

  • What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
  • I like the way it groups together the web sites I find interesting and updates my reader automatically so I don't need to keep searching through those sites for new posts. It updates my reader and I am therefore able to read the new posts at my own leisure.

  • What other sites did you select for your RSS reader?
  • - Biblia

  • How do you think you might be able to use this technology?
  • So I can easily follow my favourite blogs and news sites

  • How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?
  • to direct people to our web site and also to include other interesting library services web sites or blogs on our web site so people can easily find them.

  • Did you find any good examples of other library blogs?
  • yes - The Grove and Vic Park Library Blogs

    Week 3 Sharing Images Flickr Photo

    Creative Commons

    I just find this photo to be absolutely gorgeous - the colours, the ripples - it is mesmerizing to me which is why I thought I would share it with you all. It is from Ocean.Flynn's flickr stream in the creative commons area. Here's the link if you would like to read about it:

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Week 2 - First blog post - Message to all Tic Toc peeps

    Welcome to our Tic Toc Staff Blog. I do hope you like the name :) This has been created so we can engage with each other using our web 2.0 blogs.
    Please remember:
    - you will need to write about 100-150 words per blog post;
    - you will need to comment on the blog posts of 5 other participants per week.

    ***Attention Mentors: it will be easier if you monitor the comments by following the RSS feeds of participant blog posts. That way you only need to go through your RSS feed once a week to update your participant progress spreadsheet.

    I look forward to reading your blogs!